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GAIR - Geoportal of Adriatic-Ionian Region

Analisi di dati geografici

CMS to integrate GIS data and tools for Maritime Spatial Planning




The vitality index, as explicited in the guidelines for the acquisition and reuse of software for Italian PA, is calculated according to the following four main categories:

  • Code activity: the daily number of commits and merges;
  • Release history: the daily number of releases;
  • User community: the number of unique authors;
  • Longevity: the age of the project.

The ranges of every measure can be found in the vitality-ranges.yml file.

Development status: stable

Software functionality

Repository of GIS datasets

Create, edit and share maps with online tools combining maps and layers

Tools to support decision-making in spatial planning

detailed information

GAIR - Geoportal of Adriatic-Ionian Region

Analisi di dati geografici

Last release 2021-01-31

Type of maintenance contract

Stato publiccode.yml

Contract with Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. until the 2021-12-31

Supported languages English

Extended description

The Geo data portal of Adriatic Ionian Region (GAIR) is a community-based,

open source portal based on GeoNode

(, a web-based Content

Management System (CMS) for developing geospatial information systems

(GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructure (SDI).

GAIR provides access to numerous datasets related to coastal and marine

areas and to several modules for Integrated Coastal Zone Management

(ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) analysis and risk assessment.

In particular, the already implemented tools are:

  • Module for Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA)

  • Module for Maritime Use Synergy and Conflict Analysis Tool (MUSC)

  • Module for Supporting Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA)


  • Module for particle/conservative contaminants dispersion (PAR TRAC)

  • Module for Coastal Oil Spill Vulnerability Assessment

  • Module for Small Scale Fishery Footprint (SSF)

  • Module on Medium Scale Fishery Footprint (MSF) & Cumulative Effects

Assessment on SSF & MSF.

The Geoportal capitalizes data from other projects (e.g. Shape, Adriplan)

and integrates existing databases/portals developed at European and

national level. GAIR thus represents a relevant and original instrument

that improves concretely the support to transparent and efficient

decision-making processes and transnational cooperation between the

Adriatic and Ionian Region Countries on maritime and marine governance

and services and on the implementation of ICZM/MSP processes. For the

same reason, GAIR is an important support to the EUSAIR Action Plan

implementation, cross-cutting to the 4 Pillars of the Strategy.

GAIR is developed under _geoPORtal of TOols & Data for sustaInable

Management of coAstal and maRine Environment_


ADRION programme.

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