FDSNWS Fetcher v2.29.0
Docker used to retrieve "resp", "dless", "sac", "minified", "paz" or "dataselect_list" from FDSN node.
Technical contact Valentino Lauciani
The vitality index, as explicited in the guidelines for the acquisition and reuse of software for Italian PA, is calculated according to the following four main categories:
- Code activity: the daily number of commits and merges;
- Release history: the daily number of releases;
- User community: the number of unique authors;
- Longevity: the age of the project.
The ranges of every measure can be found in the vitality-ranges.yml file.
Development status: stable
detailed information
FDSNWS Fetcher v2.29.0
Last release 2021-04-19 (v2.29.0)
Type of maintenance internal
Stato publiccode.yml
License AGPL-3.0-or-later
List of dependencies None
Enabling platforms None
Compliance None
Extended description
This project is developed to interact with “station” and “dataselect” FDSN (https://www.fdsn.org) Web Services:
- the “station” WS is used to retrieve station metadata: https://www.fdsn.org/webservices/FDSN-WS-Specifications-1.2.pdf#page=11
- the “dataselect” WS is used to retrieve seismic waveform: https://www.fdsn.org/webservices/FDSN-WS-Specifications-1.2.pdf#page=9
It is developed using docker technology and implements a set of software, tools and script to find seismic stations by geographic constrain and time window.
The output is RAW data like seismic “waveforms” in MSEED format or metadata like response function in “SAC”, “RESP” or “PAZ” (Poles and Zeros) format.