E-Recruitment 4.7.0
Management of Competition Calls
The system manages all the phases of a public call, from the publication, to the presentation of the application.
Published by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR
Technical contact Marco Spasiano
The vitality index, as explicited in the guidelines for the acquisition and reuse of software for Italian PA, is calculated according to the following four main categories:
- Code activity: the daily number of commits and merges;
- Release history: the daily number of releases;
- User community: the number of unique authors;
- Longevity: the age of the project.
The ranges of every measure can be found in the vitality-ranges.yml file.
Development status: stable
Software functionality
Self-registration of Candidates
Manage of Call and personalization of declarations and attachments
Appointment of the Procedure Managers and the Commission
Awarding of the scores obtained in the Competition tests
Manage of Communication / Convocations / Exclusions and sending via PEC
Automatic registration of applications
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica Ufficio per la valutazione della performance
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Agenzia per l'Italia digitale
Federazione Ordini Farmacisti Italiani
detailed information
E-Recruitment 4.7.0
Management of Competition Calls
Last release 2021-05-03 (4.7.0)
Type of maintenance internal
Stato publiccode.yml
License AGPL-3.0-or-later
List of dependencies None
Enabling platforms SPID
Compliance None
Supported languages
Api documentation E-Recruitment API
Extended description
The system manages all the phases of a public call, from the publication, to the presentation of the application, to arrive at the work of the commission and then to the assignment of scores and the publication of the rankings. The system is part of the e-government project of CNR, in coherence with the Administrative Digital Code and regulations concerning optimization of the productivity of public work and of efficiency and transparency of public administrations and their simplification and development.27 October 2009, legislative decree, n. 150, on “Implementation of the 4 March 2009 law, n. 15, on the matter of optimization of the productivity of public work and of efficiency and transparency of public administrations” and the recent 9 February 2012 legislative decree, n. 5, “Urgent measures of simplification and development” (art. 8 Simplification of participation in recruitment competitions and testing).