Scrivania Digitale 1.0.8
Scrivania Digitale
“Scrivania Digitale” platform is an application with a web interface that allows you to define and execute workflows.
Pubblicato da Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR
Contatto tecnico Marco Spasiano
L’indice di vitalità, così come previsto nelle linee guida sull’acquisizione e riuso di software per la PA, è calcolato prendendo in considerazione le seguenti quattro categorie:
- Code activity: il numero di commit e merge giornalieri;
- Release history: il numero di release giornaliere;
- User community: il numero di autori unici;
- Longevity: l’età del progetto.
I range di ogni misura possono essere trovati nel file vitality-ranges.yml.
Stato di sviluppo: stabile
Funzionalità del software
search for flow instances
list of my tasks
notification roles
generation of pdf documents
generation of summary reports
generation of .csv research report
Informazioni di dettaglio
Scrivania Digitale 1.0.8
Scrivania Digitale
Ultimo rilascio 2019-12-04 (1.0.8)
Tipo di manutenzione internal
Stato publiccode.yml
Contatti tecnici
Contatti tecniciLicenza AGPL-3.0-or-later
Lista dipendenze Nessuna
Piattaforme abilitanti Nessuna
Conformità Nessuna
Descrizione estesa
“Scrivania Digitale” platform is an application with a web interface that allows you to define and execute workflows that involve assigning tasks to different actors and the collection of information and documentation related to administrative activities. “Scrivania Digitale” also allows the management of Document flows within an institution, a company or any medium and large dimension structured reality. “Scrivania Digitale” has as main objective to guide the users predisposed in the management of various administrative procedures. “Scrivania Digitale” can be used in its “standalone version” or in its “Integrated” version as well.The system is part of the e-government project of CNR, in coherence with the Administrative Digital Code and regulations concerning optimization of the productivity of public work and of efficiency and transparency of public administrations and their simplification and development\.\27 October 2009, legislative decree, n. 150, on “Implementation of the 4 March 2009 law, n. 15, on the matter of optimization of the productivity of public work and of efficiency and transparency of public administrations” and the recent 9 February 2012 legislative decree, n. 5, “Urgent measures of simplification and development” (art. 8 Simplification of participation in recruitment competitions and testing).