Semantic Turkey 6.0.1
RDF Management Service Platform
Semantic Turkey is a RDF service platform for Knowledge Management and Acquisition realized by the ART Research Group at the University of Tor Vergata
Published by University of Rome Tor Vergata
Software maintained by infeurope
The vitality index, as explicited in the guidelines for the acquisition and reuse of software for Italian PA, is calculated according to the following four main categories:
- Code activity: the daily number of commits and merges;
- Release history: the daily number of releases;
- User community: the number of unique authors;
- Longevity: the age of the project.
The ranges of every measure can be found in the vitality-ranges.yml file.
Development status: stable
Software functionality
RDF Management Services
detailed information
Semantic Turkey 6.0.1
RDF Management Service Platform
Last release 2017-09-28 (6.0.1)
Type of maintenance contract
Stato publiccode.yml
Contract with infeurope until the 2020-07-31
License BSD-3-Clause
List of dependencies
Enabling platforms None
Compliance None
Api documentation Semantic Turkey API
Extended description
Semantic Turkey is a RDF service platform for Knowledge Management and Acquisition realized by the ART Research Group at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata
Built on top of existing core technologies for RDF, such as RDF4J and CODA and existing frameworks (OSGi and Spring) for service development and publication, Semantic Tukey offers a whole set of services for powering up applications oriented at RDF Data Management and Acquisition.
Semantic Turkey is the backend for the collaborative ontology and thesaurus management platform VocBench.